Geary 0.12 Released, Here’s How To Install It on Ubuntu
Geary 0.12 Released, Here’s How To Install It on Ubuntu

A big update to the open-source email client Geary is now available to download.

Geary 0.12 is the first major update to the popular Linux mail app since Geary 0.11, which was released back in May 2016.

Avid fans of the client will find a number of enhancements on offer, including several improvements to the rich text composer, Yahoo! Mail and Outlook mail archiving support, and a better mail labelling experience.

This update also makes it easier to learn Geary’s many keyboard shortcuts: just press Ctrl + ? with the app is in focus to make a help sheet appear.

Geary 0.12 changes:

  • Insert images inline when composing rich text messages
  • Improved interface for inserting links in rich text messages
  • Choose multiple spell-checker languages when composing messages
  • Support message archiving for Yahoo! Mail and
  • Improved interface when displaying conversations
  • Improved interface when moving and labelling conversations
  • Improved support for right-to-left languages
  • Automatically unfold starred messages in a conversation
  • Support saving remote inline images
  • Improved keyboard navigation for conversations
  • Added in-application keyboard shortcut help (Ctrl + ?) 
  • Improved security when displaying messages

How to Install Geary 0.12 on Ubuntu

Install Geary 0.12 via Ubuntu Software

If you’re running Ubuntu 17.10 you can install Geary 0.12 direct from the Ubuntu Software. Either search for it by name or click this button:

Install Geary from Ubuntu Software

Install Geary 0.12 via PPA

To install the latest Geary release on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or 17.04 you first need to add the Geary Releases PPA to your software sources.

This PPA provides the latest official stable release of the email client for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and up.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:geary-team/releases
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install geary

Once the installation is finished you will be able to launch the app from the Unity Dash, Applications Overview or equivalent app menu.

Install Geary 0.12 via Flatpak

Geary 0.12 is also available to install as a Flatpak app via Flathub.

We’ve shown you how to set-up and install Flatpak apps from Flathub on Ubuntu before. Assuming you’ve followed that guide you can run this command:

flatpak install flathub org.gnome.Geary

If you’re reading from a Linux distribution that supports Flatpak apps properly you can install the app using the following .flatpakref file:

Download Geary Flatpak (.flatpakref)


You can download Geary source code from the GNOME Git mirror on Github.