The winner of the KDE Plasma 6.0 wallpaper competition has been announced.

In August of last year KDE devs launched a community-based contest to select the default wallpaper for KDE Plasma 6.0.

The contest garnered a lot of attention — I often feel like the KDE community is more ‘arty’ in general, though that might be perpetual due to leading creative software, e.g., Krita, Inkscape, Kdenlive, being Qt-based — which naturally made it harder for judges to pick an ultimate winner.

And there was a lot at stake.

As well as the prestige in seeing their artwork shipped as part of the KDE Plasma 6.0 release (arguably the real prize) the winning contributor also receives a swish new laptop from Framework (the modular-ish, upgradeable laptop company) — which ain’t too shabby, at all!

Behold the winning entry, which you can expect to see a lot more of as coverage of KDE Plasma 6.0 gathers pace the closer we get to its release:

Pretty, isn’t it?

Although the original submission had more detail (birds in the day sky, stars in the night) content judges were able to provide artists with feedback and they could adapt/incorporate/update submissions.

More details on the winning entry can be found on the KDE Discuss forum, and if you mouse around the forum you will also find the original submission thread which is absolutely stuffed with other submissions (should you be on the hunt for some quality backgrounds).

What do you think of it? Let me know below!